Do you want to study for one semester while unemployed?

The Directorate of Labour offers job seekers that have been unemployed for 6 months, to study full-time for one semester while receiving unemployment benefits. The initiative is called Opportunity in Education (Nám er tækifæri).

The following study offer is from the University of Bifröst. Please note that you can use your study grants for this program (80.000 ISK pr. year).
We encourage you to look at the opportunity!
The University Gateway at Bifröst University has helped many Icelanders to bridge a gap in their education and prepared them for university studies. This is a program for those who have not finished high school or have a high-school diploma from outside EU. It is also an excellent preparation for those who finished high school many years ago and need intensive preparation to start university. This coming spring semester the University Gateway will be taught in English for the first time.
Students can choose between distance learning or on-campus studies. For those who are considering on-campus studies, Bifröst offers quality student housing at affordable prices.
For those who wish to take the next step in their career, this is an ideal opportunity to build a solid foundation.
Information about the program in English.
Information about the program in Polish.
Information about the program in Spanish.
Information about housing at Bifröst in English.
Bifröst offers the University Gateway program in English.

Students can complete their studies in just over six months, which are two semesters. The program is tailored to the employment campaign “Nám er tækifæri”. This way students get the opportunity to study while they receive payment from the Unemployment Insurance Fund.
The application deadline is December 22nd. Classes begin on January 15th and end in early August.
We welcome anyone interested to meet us and have a chat about the program, either at our location in Reykjavík at Suðurlandsbraut 22 or on-campus at scenic Bifröst. If you are interested in meeting us, please contact or to organize your visit.
There will also be three introductory meetings online in the coming week about the University Gateway in English. The meetings will be held on Teams and will start with a brief introduction before an open conversation about the program. The meetings are open to everyone who are interested in the program as well as anyone who has any questions about Bifröst University. There will be more meetings in the coming weeks, which will be advertised on our website.
These are the scheduled meetings this week:
Saturday 12th December at 14:00
Click here to join the meeting

Tuesday Dec. 15th at. 14
Click here to join the meeting

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