Online courses

The Directorate of Labor offers various courses while you receive unemployment benefits. You can find courses that you would like to pursue, apply for a course at your service centre or apply for online courses.

Start-up Accelerator

Vinnumálastofnun in cooperation with Senza Partners is offering a 2-day start-up accelerator workshop where early stage entrepreneurs - those who want to start a company but don’t know how or don’t yet have a well-formed idea - get help with evaluating their idea or coming up with a new one, framing a business plan around the idea, creating an investor pitch and practicing the pitch, in addition to learning the basics of founding a company and searching for grants and other funding opportunities.


We meet two times, 3 hours each time


Thursday, January 18, 2024, at 09:00 - 12:00

Friday, January 19, 2024, at 09:00 - 12:00




Day 1:

- Evaluating the idea.

- The Lean methodology.

- Creating a Business Plan.

- Creating a Financial plan.

- Creating the pitch and how to pitch it.


Day 2:

- Practicing the pitch (optional, but highly recommended).

  Either 5min pitch with slides, or 1min elevator pitch, depending on participation.

- Founding a start-up company and running it the first few years.

- Grants and other funding opportunities.

- Questions and answers.


Course leader: Einar Sigvaldason, executive coach at Senza Partners.

  • MBA from UC Berkeley, Cand. Oecon Business Administration,
    and certified securities broker from University of Iceland.
  • Executive coach & seminar leader at
  • Senior consultant for EU R&D grant proposals at
  • 15 years co-founder and CEO of 3 software start-ups.
  • 18 years in innovation in Iceland and San Francisco.
  • 20 years creating business plans & investor- and sales pitches.

The Start-Up Accelerator is free of charge for jobseekers registered with Vinnumálastofnun.

Please register by sending an email to

Last day of registration is Tuesday 16th of January.

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

The CBT course is developed for people who experience anxiety, symptoms of depression or emotional discomfort and want to learn ways to improve their wellbeing. CBT is an effective, practical and popular form of psychological treatment. The key message of the therapy is that thinking affects feelings. The goal of the course is to teach participants how to make changes in the way they think and act by using the skills of CBT. The course will be on-line in English, either on TEAMS or ZOOM. On the first day of the course the instructor/psychologist will call each participant and conduct individual interview. Participants must have access to a computer or smart device to participate.

The course is free but 80% attendance is required if you sign up

Mondays and Thursdays from 10:00 to 12:30


To sign up for the upcoming course please send us an email to

Kurs terapii poznawczo-behawioralnej

KURS TERAPII POZNAWCZO-BEHAWIORALNEJ będzie prowadzony poprzez internet

To szkolenie jest dla osób, które są pod wpływem silnego stresu, odczuwają lęk lub mają objawy depresyjne. Podczas kursu uczestnicy mają okazję nauczyć się skutecznych metod radzenia sobie ze stresem, lepszego rozpoznawania i regulowania własnych emocji tak aby nastąpiła poprawa samopoczucia. Poprzez konkretne działania uczestnik kursu może poprawić swój psychiczny dobrostan oraz lepiej radzić sobie z codziennymi wyzwaniami. Kurs jest prowadzony przez Internet. Pomiędzy sesjami z prowadzącym uczestnicy mają do wykonania zadania i ćwiczenia, dzięki którym uczą się oni wcielać w życie stosowane na kursie metody. Kurs prowadzony jest w języku polskim.

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